Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Reactions and Rejection

Some times I am not quite sure how to put my feelings and actions into words.  Since I started this new blog I've never experienced so much resistance from people who are not Christians.  They read my posts and then they find it appropriate to tell me if I am feeling this "down" than I must not have any faith in my God.  I've been told that I just need to tell others about my true feelings instead of a blog.  Hello, these are my true feelings!!!  Writing is just an avenue in which I feel most expressive when it comes to my gifts.  And to retract an earlier posting about not knowing what my gifts are.  Well I know I was created to share my life experiences with others.  I love writing so if I can help or encourage just 1 person then my job is done.

As a child of God I find it very important (and wise) not to gossip or slander others in my life because I'm having a moment of anger or discontentment.  Feelings can be very fleeing and I don't want to be just living in the flesh holding onto anger or unforgiveness.  I know I've mentioned it but I live with Galations 5: Life by the Spirit posted at home so I become aware of how my actions are lining up with the flesh vs. the spirit.

It does not matter what obstacles are thrown in my path I will always pursuit God with all my mind, body, and soul.  No lies, tricks, or negative comments will stand in the way of pursuing my beloved Abba!!!

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