Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Light in the Darkness

I am constantly getting reminders from God of His goodness and also how large and in charge He is.  Tonight I had more amazing proof and I hope I can convey His goodness in the depth I was shown.

The "lost" have been on my mind a lot lately and more specifically the "lost" who serve our military.  Tonight I was reading Revelation as I sat outside of a local restaurant.  I had half my mind on scripture but the other half of my mind was listening to people's conversations as they passed by.  I heard some really mean conversations bashing other people.  So immediately I was hurt by the fact that these people were ripping down others.  Was I being judgmental towards these people??  Of course I was.  I was deeply saddened by the words that were being spoken.  I asked God are there any good people left in the world who seek God and encourage others??  It is sad to me to see outright rejection being spoken to one another when we should be uplifting one another with encouragement.

It was not 60 seconds later a man on his cell phone approached the restaurant and finished his conversation before going inside.  He was saying that he was talking to a soldier who is currently serving in Afghanistan and was hesitant in asking him if he had been saved.  The solider was interested in learning how to become saved and wanted to know more about God.  So this guy prayed with this Soldier and is ministering to him on a regular basis.  Hello answered prayer!!  I was floored I did not hear just half the conversation but it was like I was watching a movie seeing all these conversations one at a time.  God literally placed these very special conversations before me for a very special reason.  I wanted to say something to this guy but I was so speechless I could not think of words to say.  I just prayed and thanked God and of course I told Him, "ok I will shut up and stop complaining now".  Not only did God answer my prayer for evidence of seeing people loving one another but it was a situation that God knows would touch my heart so intensely I was speechless.

Whether you are a believer or not I think we all want to see God's goodness.  We want that physical proof that God is who He says He is.  It is great to read about it in The Bible but to experience it like I did tonight...well there are no words that can describe the depth of God's love for us.

I am reminded of Luke 18:  Jesus Tells the Parable of the Persistent Widow.  It reminds me to be persistent in my own prayers.  I know God hears my prayers the very first time I make my requests known to Him.  However, how good would it be to me, His child, if He, my Heavenly Father, granted every request at the very moment I asked it of Him?

John 3:30:  He must become greater; I must become less.

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, amen. This brought tears to my eyes. I love how God speaks to you exactly when you need it, and I love when you share your conversations with Him. Thank you! Luke 18 is a great reminder.
